الخميس، 25 سبتمبر 2014

Crazy Craft Blood Magic__What does well of suffering do ?!

Your finger broke from right clicking you digger to get LP ?

doesnt have enough LP to use your BOUND Pickaxe ?

Well of suffering well do all of this for you 

all you have grape is 

1. 36 Ritual Stones

2. 4 air

3. 16 water

4. 8 fire 

5. 4 earth

6. 4 dust

7. 50,000 life points (LP)
Well of suffering

but it 4 blocks up of your blood altar

after you done this right click it with weak actvetion  crystel

(you must to have 50,000 LP before you do this )

and it will but blood for you in your atlar for every damaged mob

realy good tip for infintife blood : 

but a mob spawner around and but a blood orb on your atlar for infinitfe blood


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